The final meeting of Fairfield Harbour Garden Club for the 2022-2023 year was held on June 12. What a year it has been!
At the June meeting, Jan Reitzel reviewed the success of the fundraisers held during the past year to support the scholarship fund. The Garden Club raised the following:
The Scarecrow Contest in October 2022 - $179.50
The Raffle Basket in November 2022 - $616.34
The Special Raffle in April 2023 - $319.96
Year-long plant division table at meetings - $129.00
Thank you to everyone who supported these fundraising events. In May, the Club awarded two scholarships to two deserving High School Seniors.
The Yard of the Month recognition is awarded to a homeowner in the Harbour for several months of the year (spring and fall). There are beautifully landscaped yards throughout Fairfield Harbour, and the Garden Club enjoys recognizing the time and work of the homeowners.
In June, the winners were James and Rebecca Groves. Carolyn Hansen, Yard of the Month Chair, gave Rebecca a certificate of recognition for the wonderful work she and her husband have done in their yard.
Fairfield Harbour Garden Club Yard of the Month, June 2023 winners were James and Rebecca Groves of 910 West Wind Court. They were recognized as an outstanding yard in Fairfield Harbour. As you approach the property, you first notice the large hydrangeas shrub full of beautiful blue blooms, drawing the eye to the front porch. The front yard has an island with a variety of healthy plants. There is a large vegetable garden with a variety of vegetables in it. This garden is to the back of the yard beyond the courtyard patio, with many potted plants and a cozy seating area. A retainer wall borders the front yard. The landscaping is well-maintained and pleasing to the eye. The yard indicates the level of enjoyment they both put into working to beautify their yard.
Carolyn Hansen, Committee Chair for Yard of the Month.

The Installation of officers for the 2023 – 2024 year was held at the June meeting. Hazel Alcock introduced and installed the new FHGC Board of Directors. They are:
President - Cheryl McAskill
1st Vice President - Pam Kubik
2nd Vice President – Jane Haeussler
Treasurer - Jan Reitzel
Assistant Treasurer - Barbara Paulsen
Secretary – Yvonne Meissner
Corresponding Secretary - Kathy Hallquist

Following the June business meeting, the attendees enjoyed social time. Sandy Riggs and her team did an excellent job providing light snacks for all to enjoy.
The video "The FHGC Year End Slideshow," developed by Jean Heubner, was presented during the social time. This slideshow may be viewed on the FHGC website at
This past year, 1st VP, Pam Kubik, planned for speakers to present at monthly meetings. These informational and fun programs included information on the Regional Landfill, the Cooperative Extension Toolbox (, Bees and Bee Keeping, Deer Resistant Plantings, How to prepare your garden for planting, and a variety of other tips and tricks. Pam is busy planning the programs for the 2023 – 2024 year. Do you have a suggestion for a speaker or a topic that will interest the group? Please share your thoughts and suggestions with Pam.
The first “FHGC Scarecrow Contest” was held in October 2022. Members made scarecrows to show at the Fall Craft Fair. Five Scarecrows were displayed, and craft fair attendees voted for the best and a chance to win a Scarecrow. What a success! Teams are forming to make scarecrows to show at the October 21, 2023, Craft Fair. Stay tuned for more information in the fall.
The Club is interested in ensuring it meets the membership's needs. A comprehensive survey was presented to the members in January. The survey results were reviewed and used to guide future programs and events.
The survey indicated that members not only come to the meetings for the information but also enjoy the social aspect and have requested a social time. Sandy Riggs, social chair, plans to have coffee and juice available at meetings starting in September.
In April, another successful bus trip, planned by Cheryl McAskill, was enjoyed by over 40 people. The group visited the JC Raulston Arboretum in Raleigh, followed by lunch at the State Farmers Restaurant. Then there was time for shopping at the Farmers Market! Cheryl will plan another exciting trip for April 2024.
Hazel Alcott planned two one-day trips to the home of Dr. and Brenda Rose to see their orchids, exotic birds, and garden flowers, particularly lotus, lilies, and pitcher plants. One of the trips included a stop at Harbourside Garden Nursery for a special event planned by owner Rachel Tipton.
The club year runs from July 1 – June 30. While the Club does not meet in July and August, plans are being made for the coming meetings and events starting in September. The next general meeting will be on September 11 at 9:30 am in the FH Community Center.
Anyone wishing to join the garden club is invited to do so. Club membership is open to all and is $10.00 / annually per household. For more information, visit the FHGC website at:
Have a fabulous summer, and see you in September.