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Tom Caruso

Harbour Pointe Golf Club won the coveted NEW BERN CUP!

The New Bern Cup is an annual invitational stroke play competition between teams from the 6 New Bern golf clubs: Carolina Colours Golf Club, Emerald Golf Club, Harbor Pointe Golf Club, New Bern Country Club, River Bend Golf & Country Club, and Taberna Golf Club.

The inaugural event was a one-day 18-hole tournament at  Carolina Colours Golf Club.

STATracker Central received word that the team from our Harbour Pointe Golf Club, has won the coveted NEW BERN CUP!!

This is a city-wide distinction to achieve this win AND our congratulations go out to all the team members who worked hard for this special victory.

HPGC scored a four-stroke victory with a total team score of +15, besting the New Bern CC, which finished in the runner-up position with a total team score of +19. STAT Central will hopefully be getting all the pertinent info as the afternoon unfolds in the wake of this glorious win.

It was the ladies of the LGA and the team of PAUL CORMIER and RICK TOBY, with their lights-out play, that paved the way for the win.

HPGC narrowly missed winning last year by one stroke on a controversial scoring technicality, but they were not to be denied this time!

The STATracker WEEKLY report will be sent out within the next hour.

But for now... JUST WOW!!!  The Fairfield Harbourmasters got the job done.

This reporter had the privilege of hanging out with some of the team this morning before the tee-off, and all the players looked loose and in great spirits, and that translated well to the tournament.

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