On Wednesday August 8th, the HPGC Men's Golf Association held the Founders Cup Tournament. We had 3 pillars of the MGA all who were Founders of the MGA, who played in the Tournament. Special thanks these 3 Gentlemen, Charlie Henke, Joe Pillow and C.A. Smith.
The Tournament was hosted by Tournament Chairman Tom Caruso, another fantastic job! The format was a Individual Stableford points game. We had 22 players who participated in the tourney, thanks to all who played!
Also, thanks to Gary Blanchard and his talented team for a great lunch.
Here are the top 5 players in the Red Tee Flight.
1. Jim Furman +4
2. Stan Koonce +1
3. Dave Lange +1
4. Sean Mulhall E
5. Joe Pillow E
Here are the top 3 players in the Gold Tee Flight.
1. Tom Caruso E
2. Mark Carmichael +1
3. Brian McDowell +1
Top photo: MGA President Dave Lange, Founders Cup Champion Red Tee Champion Jim Furman, MGA Founder Charlie Henke and MGA Founder Joe Pillow.
Bottom photo: Dave Lange, Founders Cup Gold Tee Champion Tom Caruso, Charlie Henke and Joe Pillow.