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Barb Robinson

What is FHYC doing?

On January 28th, 2023, the FHYC Membership Committee gathered new resident packets to be distributed to new residents of Fairfield Harbour. The packet contained information about the Club, a membership form, and contact information. Many hands made light work and also fun sharing everything from favorite restaurants to latest projects. The Club offered delicious donuts to nibble while working. These packets were hand-delivered to the resident's brown boxes. This whole event took less than an hour. If you have spare time, please consider helping a committee when they reach out to you for assistance. It's a great way to meet members you haven't met before and support the Club. Those present were Commodore Dave Phipps, Membership Chair Paul Phipps, Director Delle Curry, Bev Myrseth, Lisa Blumenschine, Darlene Cleveland, Cherylle Hird, and Michelle Esmacher.

For current members of FHYC, please watch for your 2023 Yearbook in your brown box. The Yearbook Committee has done an outstanding job in putting this book together, and it is in the process of being distributed. If you don't have a brown box, the Distribution Committee will arrange to get your copy to you..

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