The Fairfield Harbour Hospital Auxiliary is happy to be back after a long HOT and very WET summer! 😊 Many of our sewers were busy working on making over 230 Christmas stockings for hospital patients this coming December. Other volunteers have been busily sewing baby blankets and knitting matching baby beanies for all infants who are born during the month of December. These two projects are quite the undertaking for the auxiliary volunteers who dedicate their time and energy to these incredible gifts. Thank you volunteers for all that you give to our community, although we could never accomplish as much without the support of the Knights of Columbus and you!! Yes, we would love our wonderful Fairfield Harbour neighbors to help with filling the Christmas stockings. We need items for patients, such as: small bottles of shampoo, conditioner, lotions, toothpaste, toothbrushes, small puzzle books, decks of cards, pens, and small pads of paper. If you’d like to contribute any of the above items (they must be new) please contact Ruth Blackwell, our stocking committee chair at 704 506-2669 or email her at Ruth has also set up a wish list account on Amazon and I checked it out and it’s so easy to order; deliveries will be made directly to Ruth. The address is: https:/
Please type it in exactly as you see it.
L: Chris Reivik with baby beanies R: Laura Chase with baby blanket lap robe
The FFH Hospital Auxiliary is hosting another fantastic Bake Sale on Saturday, October 5th to coincide with the community Yard Sale. We will be open in the Community Center from 7:45–11 AM and will sell delicious warm breakfast quiches and casseroles along with our fresh from the oven cinnamon rolls and piping hot coffee. Our volunteers also make sweet baked goods like cakes, breads, brownies, muffins, and an assortment of delectable cookies. We always offer a 50/50 raffle, which is a lot of fun for all; especially the winner. The Auxiliary will have our own booth at the Fall Yard Sale, so please drop by and support our group. The money we raise from our bake and yard sales allows the Auxiliary to purchase items such as yarn for lap robes, shawls, and baby blankets and material to make surgery pillows, fidgets, and toys. It’s always a fun time to shop for deals, see old friends, and enjoy some freshly made goodies from the oven! We are looking forward to a big crowd this year!
On October 26th, Fairfield Harbour will have its annual Fall Arts and Craft Fair at the Community Center. Our Bake Sale committee, chaired by Janell Ringuette, will host a lunch of delicious homemade soup, drink, and dessert for vendors and shoppers. They will also serve coffee throughout the morning. Please stop by and start off your early holiday shopping and decorating with your family and friends. On the 30th of October the Auxiliary is hosting our Fall Friendship Gathering, where we invite neighbors to the Community Center for a bit of wine and cheese and an opportunity to learn and see what the Fairfield Harbour Hospital Auxiliary is all about. We welcome all newcomers who would like to share in our commitment to help the hospital and its patients in any way we can.
The FFH Hospital Auxiliary meets on the third Monday of most every month, at the Community Center from 9:30 to 10:30. Our next meeting will be September 16th. The Auxiliary does not hold meetings during the summer months of July and August. It’s a great way to meet new friends and become involved in our community in helping Carolina East Medical Center. Our organization is free of charge to become a member. For membership information you may contact our Chairperson, Ruth Blackwell or Membership Chairs, Pat Geres and Judy Gates.