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  • Writer's picturePam Gaskill

Hospital Auxiliary

Left to right, Holly Woodcock, Betty Simensen, Mary Lou Infinito, Joyce Stull, and far right Ruth Blackwell prepare to greet attendees at the Hospital Auxiliary’s potluck dinner.

Members of Fairfield Harbour’s Satellite Auxiliary of CarolinaEast Medical Center enjoyed an evening of camaraderie on October 26. Delicious food, conversation, door prizes, and a raffle all contributed to the festivity. Chairperson Holly Woodcock thanks her committee, Pat Roark, Betty Simensen, and Joyce Stull for all of their hard work. Ruthann Hendel and Janell Ringuette helped with setup, and Ruth Blackwell and Sue Bischoff ran the 50/50 table. The club’s newest member, Mary Lou Infinito, won the raffle and she gifted it back to the Auxiliary. The committee made special door prizes that were given out as tickets were called, centerpieces and table décor were given to attendees, and a special prize donated by the gift shop was won by Cindy Scallion.

Chairperson Janell Ringuette presented a prize from the gift shop to Cindy Scallion at the Hospital Auxiliary potluck dinner.

Special dignitaries from CarolinaEast were Volunteer Coordinator Shaellen Thompson, Director of Public and Patient Relations Leslie Pittman, and Joye Moloney, a Fairfield Harbour resident who serves as the CarolinaEast Auxiliary Chairperson. They presented our satellite auxiliary with a $250 check from Gloria Blount to use towards purchasing fabric for the special baby blanket and hat sets we give out at Christmas. The members were happy to finally be able to share this special event once again. It was a wonderful, long-awaited night.

Although the Auxiliary does not meet in December, it is still a busy month for the group. On Tuesday, December 13, after two years of hiatus due to COVID, members are once again invited to a Christmas luncheon for all CarolinaEast volunteers. The luncheon is also the Auxiliary’s annual meeting and will include a swearing-in ceremony for new officers. Fairfield Harbour’s officers for 2023 include Chairperson Ruth Blackwell, Vice Chairperson Holly Woodcock, Secretary Sue Bischoff, and Treasurer Mary Florence.

We will complete producing and gathering items needed to fill 200 Christmas stockings, stuff the stockings, and deliver them to hospitalized patients on December 23. Lucille Durst and Janell Ringuette will also deliver 150 baby blankets and matching hats to the hospital in November to be distributed to babies born during the month of December.

Mary Lou Infinito won the 50/50 raffle and generously returned the money to the Auxiliary.

The next meeting of the Fairfield Harbour Auxiliary will be held on January 16 at 9:30 am at the Community Center. We welcome you to visit us to see what we’re all about, and even better, to join us in our service.

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