The Follies 2023: Thank You for the Music
September arrived in fine fashion, as did the HLP Follies show! It was a great success and we are grateful for the attendance and support of our audiences. The Producer, Ruth Blackwell, and our Director Linda Boryk did an amazing job creating an intimate, funny, and sentimental show full of action and song. The ode to music was indicated in the Follies theme this year; “Thank you for the Music”. Linda has graced this production with her guidance, diligence, and talent. Look for our Follies again in September of 2024!
Scaryoke Karaoke
Every month HLP offers Karaoke for the community. It always is a blast as it offers singing, dancing and getting together with new and old friends. Please note our Halloween Party, “Scaryoke” is just around the corner! We will be having Tom’s Tunes inviting you to sing your heart out! Costumes are optional, but more than welcomed. Come on by on October 28th at 7pm and the community center. Be sure and bring a Ghoul Friend!
Who’s Who & What’s What in Theatre
In November we will have two presenters on November 2nd at HLP’s monthly general meeting. The first presenter is Terry Knickerbocker who will be sharing his knowledge about set construction and back stage shenanigans. Also, we have Benny Thompson who will be sharing on Emotion & Motion in Acting. We welcome all to these monthly meetings. Come and check out Harbour Lights Players and get involved!

This month HLP’s Monthly Member Mention is:
Jim Robinson
Jim Robinson has been an active member with HLP since 2013!
He and his wife came to Fairfield Harbour 11 years ago from Maryland. Jim’s wife, Nancy, and he have been married 39 years. They are a blended family. Jim has 2 grown daughters and Nancy has 3 grown daughters. Jim also shares that he has a dozen grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren!
Jim is very active in HLP:
Jim has served on the club’s Board, has been involved in the club’s activities.
He was the Stage Manager for Silver Follies.
He was part of the show Broadway Boobs with Carol Luitcus which you can watch at any time on YouTube! The show was absolutely hysterical! It’s six guys kicking up a dance storm!
Jim was the Assistant Director for Opal’s Million Dollar Duck.
He was the Backstage Assistant for The Rampling’s.
Jim has acted in other places as well such as in the show “Odd Couple” where he played the part of Jesus.
He was Andy in Harbour Lights Players production of Love Letters.
Most recently Jim played a cave man in the Follies.
He was House Manager for the production of Wisecrackers.
Jim would like to give credit to two of the Harbour Lights Players members; Bob Ross and Carol Luitcus. Bob Ross was the cornerstone to the club.
Jim has offered and contributed so much during his decade plus time here at Harbour Lights Players!
Thank you, Jim, for contributing and making HLP better because you are here!