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Good News from Harbour Lights Players

Benny Thompson

As we approach the end of the year, it is nice to look back and remember the fun we had in 2023. This was the year of "Wisecrackers," the show that took Fairfield Harbour by storm. Playing to sold-out audiences is such a grand feeling to anyone involved in theater. Keeping the energy level up when putting on a show is always a pleasure when the seats are full. Looking out onto seats full of happy people as they smile keeps us focused on what we all enjoy doing: entertaining!

Then there were "Follies". It was another great show full of music, song, and theater that held our attention as the night flew by—from comedy to drama, coupled with a delightful variety of singing and a tribute to the late, great Jimmy Buffet, delivered a magical night of entertainment.

Speaking of entertainment, we are excited to introduce our spring show for 2024. Looking at the fertile grounds of live entertainment, we take you back to the "sixties." Falling between the olden days of vaudeville and the modern era, we look at a period when we needed to kick back, forget the turmoil in our lives, and just laugh. The "sixties" were a time of the "sit in," "be in," and "love in." As such, we think it's time for "LAUGH IN". It will be an evening of zany comedy that many of you will remember, and all will enjoy. There are many opportunities for roles in this play, so be sure to watch for auditions. As such, that means that there are many other opportunities for off-stage roles. Please be aware that your help is a vital part of the show and is much appreciated.

Looking to improve our range of entertainment, Terry Knickerbocker spoke to us concerning the duties involved in the role of "Stage Manager." When a show starts, the stage manager is the one who must know all the script, music cues, light cues, and actor cues. A laser focus at this point is a vital thing to have when you decide to take on this role. In essence, the stage manager becomes the director of the show.

Next up, we had Gayle Albertini and Benny Thompson. They performed their short skit from Ghostwalk 2023. Dissecting their performance gave an opportunity to see how “motion” on stage, moving around each other, and “emotion," from a simple response to a silent look, lends itself to the effect of the scene. Combined with great dialogue, you can see the characters and story unfold as they move through their roles.

As a proud member of your Board of Directors, I am pleased to be a small part of such a dedicated group. The ideas are flowing as we approach the upcoming year, and I can tell you we are ready to serve but also receive the service you have to offer us. We live in a community that has come to depend on us to entertain them. We should never take that lightly and do all we can to improve. If we only offer the best we have, we will only receive the best response back.

Our Christmas Party is next on our list, and plans for a fun evening are in the works. There will be food and fun for all that attend. Come out and enjoy if you are new to the club or an old timer. If you are not a member but have a desire to join the camaraderie, the door is open. Call me and be my guest if you want to walk in with a friendly face.

Benny Thompson 252-670-8508

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