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Barbara Monico Paulsen

Gardening is more than just a hobby; it's a lifestyle!

With the earlier than usual warm weather we are experiencing, many of us are already thinking about our spring gardens. At the February 13 meeting of the Fairfield Harbour Garden Club, Daniel Simpson shared valuable information from his experience as County Extension Director and Extension Agent, Agriculture – Horticulture of the NC Cooperative Extension in Pamlico County. Daniel, an engaging speaker, shared resources available on the extension website.

The NC Cooperative Extension Website ( has information about selecting and growing plants here in Eastern North Carolina.

Daniel recommended the “Plant Toolbox” ( This website will help even the beginner or person new to the area, select plants that will grow well in the environmental conditions in which they are planting.

Another resource on the Extension Website is the Extension Gardener Handbook ( This handbook has 21 chapters covering topics such as Soil, Composting, Insects, Diseases, Native Plants, Vegetable Gardening, and so much more. It can be viewed online for free or there is information on the site on how to purchase a printed copy.

And the Landscape Management Calendar ( is available as a quick guide as to what to do and when – in the garden.


For your reference as you get ready to plant seedlings:

First and last freeze/frost dates for New Bern, NC

Each winter, on average, your most significant risk of frost is from November 15 through March 21. Almost certainly, however, you will receive frost from November 28 through March 2, and you are almost guaranteed not to get frost from April 8 through November 2.

Your frost-free growing season is around 239 days.


The Door Prizes, Dahlia Bulbs, were presented by Lucille Durst. The three lucky winners were:

1. Julia Sherman

2. Ginger Thompson

3. Cheryl McAskill

The next meeting of the Garden Club will be March 13, at 9:30am in the FH Community Center. Always a favorite, Rachel Tipton of Harbourside Nursery, will share tips and tricks on “Preparing for Planting”.

More information about the Garden Club may be found on the Garden Club website at

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