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Pamela Dion

Garden Club Update

The Fairfield Harbour Garden Club welcomed autumn at the October 14th meeting with a Harvest Potluck. It was a great opportunity for members to catch up with fellow gardners while enjoying members favorite recipes. Lucille Durst had lovely center piece arrangements decorating the tables, which were raffled off at the end of the meeting.

Annual FHGC raffle baskets

Your last opportunity to purchase tickets for the FABULOUS annual FHGC raffle baskets will be at the November 11th meeting. At the conclusion of the meeting the winners will be drawn.

Linda Gregg and Janet Jonah have put together three exciting baskets: 

Bird Feeder Basket

Garden Basket

Wine Basket

Dog Gone Cute Basket

Scarecrow Contest:

As part of the FH Craft Fair, the Garden Club sponsored a Scarecrow Contest, Three teams entered handmade scarecrows: The teams were:

Team A. On Break

Louis Nash

Robert Walker

Rick Reitzel

Team B. Gnome Defense

Jan Reitzel

Lori Walker

Sharon Nash

Judy DuPree

Team C. Garden Lady

Kathy Halquist

Beth Meyer

The scarecrow with the most votes is the winner( as decided by the number of tickets in the box). The winner was Team B-Gnome Defense. Congratulations Team B!

The scarecrows were raffled off at the end of the event. The winners of the scarecrows were:

First Place-Gnome Defense was won by Sherri Burens

Second Place-On Break was won by Anne Gehlsen

Third Place-Garden Lady was won by Ann McDougall

Thank you to everyone who participated in the event. All of the money raised is to support the Garden Club’s Scholarship program.

Thank You to Eileen Wagner who presented a Tupperware Demonstration at the Craft Fair. A percentage of all sales will go to the benefit of the FHGC. Thank you to all that supported the FHGC.

The next meeting of the Garden Club will be November 11, 2024 at 9:30am in the FH Community Center. The speaker will be Ethel Hess, Craven County Extension Master Gardener. The title of her presentation is “Gardening for Seniors”, so bring your questions. Everyone is invited to come learn a few gardening tips from Ethel. 

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