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Garden Club's trips, tips and tricks for March

Barbara Monico Paulsen

Rachel Tipton, Horticulturist and owner of Harbourside Garden Co. in Bayboro.

Rachel Tipton, Horticulturist and owner of Harbourside Garden Co. in Bayboro shared garden tips and tricks at the March 13 Fairfield Harbour Garden Club Meeting. Always a favorite, Rachel explained when to prune bushes and trees, what fertilizers to use and when to apply, and how to control weeds in the lawn and garden.

The door prize winners of the Purple Cornflower and Red-Hot Poker Bulbs were:

  1. Sue Jones - Cornflower

  2. Carolyn Berry- Red Hot Poker

Hazel Alcott updated the group on the recent day trip to visit the home of Dr. Vernon and Brenda Rose. About 30 Garden Club members visited Brenda and Vernon's home to see the orchids and exotic birds. A future trip, later in the spring, is being planned. It will include visiting the Rose's home to enjoy their beautiful gardens, then stopping at Harbourside Garden Co. for a "Sip and Plant." Details will be shared at a future Garden Cub Meeting.

About 30 Garden Club members visited Brenda and Vernon's home to see the orchids and exotic birds.

Following the meeting, Kathy McGuire and Katherine Van Leeuwen led a project making pinecone flowers.

Garden Club making pinecone flowers.

Jane Haeussler and Lucille Durst have organized a raffle; proceeds to support the Garden Club’s scholarship fund. A 6” mini chain saw will be raffled at the April 10 Club Meeting. Ticket prices are one ticket for $2.00 or 3 tickets for $5.00. Anyone interested in purchasing tickets before the meeting may contact Jane Haeussler at 633-4561 or Lucille Durst at 634-1925 (please leave a message).

The Garden Club sponsors an annual scholarship for seniors in the Craven or Pamlico County schools. Information has been provided to the school's guidance counselors. Do you know a High School Senior planning to pursue an education in a field related to horticulture? Suggest they ask their guidance counselor about the FHGC scholarship.

The Garden Club is all its members. Surveys have been conducted to ensure all members can share thoughts and ideas about future events and activities of the club. Thank you to everyone that completed the surveys. Survey results show members have been pleased with and enjoyed the recent club meeting speakers. Many ideas for future speakers and club activities have been suggested. These suggestions will be incorporated into activities planned in the coming months. Here is your opportunity to participate in these activities and support planning the events and activities you are interested in. Visit the Fairfield Harbour Garden Club Website at, and decide what committee you wish to join. Your time commitment will vary from a couple of hours to a regular monthly commitment – the choice is yours. This is your opportunity to ensure the club continues to plan and implement ideas of interest to the membership.

The next monthly Fairfield Harbour Garden Club meeting will be on April 10 at 9:30 am in the Community Center. Daniel Simpson, County Extension Director and Extension Agent, Agriculture – Horticulture of the NC Cooperative Extension in Pamlico County, will return to speak about bees. He was well received when he spoke to the group in February, so it is exciting that he will return and once again donate his time to the group. Everyone is invited to attend the meeting.

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