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Barb Robinson

FHYC General Meeting

Every year the Fairfield Harbour Yacht Club elects new officers during their last General Meeting of the year. Next year's officers will be serving during our 40th Anniversary of the club. With that in mind Commodore Dave Phipps and Vice Commodore Craig Myler presented several special events planned for next year.

The first thing that caught everyone's eye was the banner draped across the officer's table at the front of the room. This banner will be used at many events planned through out the year to help celebrate our anniversary.

Commodore Phipps introduced Kati Hughes. She explained why some of the members were wearing aprons! It is to kick off the Fairfield Harbour Yacht Club 40th Anniversary cookbook that will be filled with recipes from our members. The cookbook should be available in April of this next year, our anniversary month. If you have any questions, you can contact Kati Hughes at

Other activities coming up:

1. The Past Commodore Food Drive Thursday November 30 11am to 3pm, Friday December 1 11am to 3pm and Saturday December 3 8am to noon. At this time we will also be collecting the toys for the Angel Tree. Linda Lelli had Angels available. If you missed it, there will be Angels available at the POA office. If you wish to help, contact me at

2. The Membership renewal deadline is December 1. You can find the link on our website.

3. FHYC will also be participating in the POA Holiday Parade Sunday December 3rd. Anita English will be organizing this. Contact her at Decorate your carts, cars, dogs, spouse and or towable boats. Bring your horns and noise makers to celebrate the holidays.

4. FHYC will also be doing the Lighted Flotilla on December 16. Last year was spectacular! Phil Katz will be sending out information. John Jackson will also be helping to organize and coordinate this event.

Vice Commodore Craig Myler then spoke to the need for members to sign up for committees to help maintain the club's activities going forward. Vice Commodore Myler then explained that one of the ways we can honor our anniversary will be to have something to wear with the special FHYC logo. These items will be prepaid. Darlene DeFigueiredo, our Ships Store Chair will have some samples at the January General Meeting. These items will be hats, shirts and glasses (drinking not eye). Stay tuned.

Commodore Phipps then came to the election of officers for 2024. The Nominating Committee put forth the Slate of Officers as follows: Rear Commodore - John Jackson, Secretary - Julia Thomson, Director - Peter Clay and Director - Lynn Stateham. After presenting the Slate to the membership, Commodore Phipps asked for nominations from the floor. There were none so the slate was voted on as one. The vote was unanimous to accept the Slate of Officers as presented. Congratulations to these four elected members. All of these members have put in many hours of service to the club before being chosen. For that, the club thanks them.

I hope everyone has a great holiday season. Stay safe.

Past Commodore Barb Robinson


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