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FH Fishing Club Meeting News

Harvey Pye

“If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there’d be a shortage of fishing poles.” – Doug Larson

There were no new members joining at this month’s meeting.

The Bursar, George reported the Club finances and the Wounded Active Veteran

Service Personnel fund finances. Wayne reported supplies reminding the

meeting the Club logo can be embroidered or printed on a garment or hat of your

choice - Bender Apparel on Old Airport Road does the work.

Jim reported there are now 97 paid members. Jim reminded the meeting: 2023

dues, payable starting in January, will be $20.00 for the year.

Art reminded the meeting, his mentoring seminar starts 14 December at 6pm in

the Activity center - it will run for several classes, pausing over the

Christmas/New Year holidays. Contact Art for space available.

The speaker was Ms. Samantha Krop - the Neuse Riverkeeper from - Samantha gave an informative and interesting overview of all

the functions of Sound Rivers whose staff monitor our local waters, inspecting

spills of waste from agriculture and farming as well as water conditions and

effects on the quality and fish health.

There are various aspects of the Sound Rivers function our Club would like to

support, more information will be collected to determine the best and most

effective way we can contribute and help their efforts.

Club members together with other fishing club members and the CCA, will attend

the MFC meeting on Wednesday 16 November (starting at 6pm) and Thursday

17 November starting at 9am) at the Islander Motel in Emerald Isle. Those

willing, can speak or comment to the MFC about our opposition to reinstall gill

fishing nets upstream of the Minnesott Ferry line on the Neuse River and

upstream of the Aurora ferry line on the Pamlico River.

The Club will participate in the POA annual Christmas Parade on Sunday 4

December at 3pm. Meeting at Pelican Park from 2.30pm.

A kayak fishing trip is planned for the new Boathouse Creek launch ramp/park,

located off Masonic Road, Swansboro - behind the Neuse Sport Shop on hwy 24/

Cedar Point Blvd. The trip date/details are posted on the website and sent out

on the FHFC Groups mail.

The audit of finances voted in the October meeting will be conducted by year end

2022, by Ms. Chris Skrotsky. Chris has done small club audits and has an

extensive financial accounting, reporting background - Chis offered to do the

audit ‘pro bono’. We will report the audit results once complete. Our thanks to


It was agreed the December meeting would include a member gift

giving/exchange - the idea was presented by Jim and Steve who will jointly

organize it for the meeting - it sounds like fun - also, some light bite table snacks

will be included. I'll post more details in the December meeting agenda.

As you know, I volunteered for the leadership role of the Club after Bob

announced his retirement in October 2021. I agreed to do so for a year - my year

ends December 2022.

I am very pleased to confirm Steve Mink has volunteered to assume the leadership role starting January 2023.

Steve has shown by his attendance and participation his strong interest and

commitment to the Club - Steve is a fine person for this role. I will support Steve

as I know will all the others in the leadership group in the Club. Thank you Steve

for volunteering.

Thanks to Gayle Albertini, a Club member and director of the FH POA board, for

arranging THE BEACON to publish the story of the FHFC and its founder Bob

Bruggeworth - I am working with Pam Gaskill on the story details - I expect it will

be published in The Beacon by year end.

As you know, earlier this year we established a task force to restart/explore

worthwhile ways the Club can support the Wounded Active/Veteran Service

personnel - Don Yuska will lead the group to look at best choices to do this.

Support and care for wounded personnel are now active on the bases, Camp

LeJeune and Cherry Point. Though our contacts at the bases changed, we are

now in communication again so that successful outing we did in the past, may be

revived for 2023.

There were 2 motions made by members from the floor, both were voted and

passed with majority in favor:

1. For the December meeting, we will have a gift exchange - members will

bring a wrapped gift (fishing related up to a $15.00 value) and the Club will

“donate” various mystery gifts paid by Club funds to $100.00. Ayes voted


2. In future, the Club can agree to “pay” a speaker attending our monthly

meeting, a “fee” up to $100.00 - any amount exceeding that $100.00

requires a Club vote. This “fee” is not automatically paid to every speaker -

only as discussed and agreed in advance with the speaker. Ayes voted in

favor with one nay vote.

Some local fish catches reported around the entrance of Broad Creek and

Northwest Creeks, some in the inner Harbour but slow at the coast inshore, piers

and surf. The fall bite should start up as soon as temperatures fall and activate


A special thanks to the stewards for this quarter: Tim Welch and John Roy and to

those members who signed up for next year 2023:

First Quarter: January 4, February 1, March 1

Don Yuska, Geoff Gable, Dan Beaucaire

Second Quarter: April 5, May 3, June 7

Steve Zdanowitz, Alan Harrop, Dan Dudley

Third Quarter: July 5, August 2, September 6

Eric Thinguldstad, John McClain, Harvey Pye

Fourth Quarter: October 4, November 1, December 6

Dan Furimsky, Bill Zimmerman, Mike McHale

Backup Stewards:

Doug Benz, Guy Pascarella, John Roy

The 50/50 winner was Bill Zimmerman

Next meeting Wednesday December 07 at the CC at 7pm

Harvey Pye. Coordinator FHFC

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