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Brian D. Joyner, PGA

Birdies with Brian & August Golf Special

We're going to be running an Aerification Special from August 13-August 22nd.  During this time 18 holes will be $30, and 9 holes will be $20.  Read my Birdies with Brian below about the Aerification process and why it's needed.

Why do golf courses aerify greens?

Usually once, sometimes twice a year, golf courses will punch holes into their beautifully manicured greens.  Golfers often wonder why you would do this in the peak season, when greens are already in great shape?  The truth is, they're in such nice condition because of the aerification process.

During this process, a machine uses metal tines to punch thousands of small holes into the green and will remove a core containing old plant material.  This allows for better drainage, so water does not accumulate on the green.  You do this in peak season because that's when the Bermuda grass is growing the fastest, meaning it won't take as long to return to optimal playing conditions.

Once the holes are punched, and the core is removed we'll go back and "Topdress" the greens.  Topdressing applies sand to the green, filling in the holes, and creating a smoother putting surface.  The sand also creates channels for water and air movement, and helps greens recover faster.

Recovery usually takes about 2 weeks, and the greens will be rolling back to normal!

Brian D. Joyner, PGA | Club Manager1105 Barkentine Drive, New Bern NC 28560

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