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Barb Robinson

2023 FHYC Commodores Ball

Updated: Apr 2, 2023

Current Commodore, Dave Phipps and his wife Paula Phipps.

This year's Commodore's Ball was to honor our current Commodore, Dave Phipps. John Jackson was the official photographer, getting pictures of each attendee as they arrived. The dinner was held at Carolina Colors, and everyone was dressed in their finest, which added to the festivities.

Before dinner, all Past Commodores and their escorts and the current Commodore and his escort were presented to the attending membership. We had 11 Past Commodores and Current Commodore. They were: Tom Lelli, escorted by Linda Lelli, Sam Curry, escorted by Delle Curry; Charlie Ward, escorted by Janet Lee; Olwen Jarvis, escorted by Bill Jarvis, Rob Skrosky, escorted by Chris Skrosky; George Stateham, escorted by Lynn Stateham; Doug King, escorted by Kathie King; Ralph Asersky escorted by Helen Leary; Ritchie Thomson, escorted by Julia Thomson; Barb Robinson, escorted by Darlene DeFigueiredo and Commodore Dave Phipps escorted by Paula Phipps.

The subtle aviator-themed centerpieces were beautiful. The food was delicious. The highlight of the evening was Vice Commodore Craig Myler taking over the microphone to present a little history of our Commodore, all done in good fun.

Thank you again, Janice Myler and crew, for a great evening.

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