May 30, 2024 The Maypole Tournament
played as a foursome..Each player is given a different colored ribbon.One matching ribbon is tied on each flagstick so it can not be seen.Two net scores are of which must match the ribbon on the flagstick.Two holes will have black ribbons.use two best Nets for those holes. Having said that these are the winning groups!!!
1st place:Donna Hubbard
Joan Melius
Cheryl Furman
Rita Gilham
2nd place: Sharon Henke
Pam Nolan
Penny Sullivan
Kathy Fuller
June 6, 2024 Tournament Solheim Cup
Congratulations to the Winning Blue Team!!!
Kris Engelhaupt
Donna Hulbert
Joan Melius
Joy Harsen
Dawn Ritter
Cheryl Furman
Nancy Zetelski
Penny sullivan
Rita Gilham
Ann Kopec
All players divided into two teams.Each foursome, based on handicap, includes two players from each team.Six holes Best Ball, six holes Alternate Shot, six holes match play
Ace of the month June 13, 2024
Congratulations to Cheryl Furman our June Ace!!!!
First Flight:.....tie for first place:Kris Englehaupt and Joan Melius
Second Flight.1st place:Cheryl Furman
2nd place.Cindy Pellegrini
third flight.......1st place: Nancy Zetelski
2nd place:Kathy Fuller
"CRAZY GOLF" June 20th, 2024
Everyone tees off from the 200 yard mark except on the par 3's which are played from red tees.two best net balls of the foursome used for team score...
1st place winning team:Kris Englehaupt, Susan Mathis, Ruthann Hendel and Ann Kopec
2nd place winning team:Jackie HIce, Donna Hulbert, Cheryl Furman and Barbara Walsh.
Low gross low net June 27, 2024
1st flight winners for low gross:1st place Kris Engelhaupt
tie for second place:Sharon Henke and Sue Layton
Low net: 1st place..Cheryl Furman
2nd place..Cindy Pellegrini
2nd flight wiinners: Winners for low gross:1st place..Nancy Robinson
2nd place..Stephanie Eldreth
Winners for low net: 1st place..Nancy zetelski
2nd place..Kathy Fuller