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Kids Corner: Spooky Review

Adrian Sousa

Halloween was awesome this year, my favorite thing that we did was trick or treating. We got lots of candy driving around on the golf cart and saying trick or treat to our neighbors. One even put on a special spooky scary costume for me and my sister, it was awesome. One house had lights all over it along with music and one had a spooky head on their mailbox.

We also went to Trunk or Treat even though it was raining and it was still great. We got a lot of candy and walked around showing off our costumes. I was Master Chief from the game Halo and my sister was a pig. I was glad that people still came even though it was raining.

We got alot of candy, my top three favorites are: Jolly Rancher lollipops, Tootsie Rolls, and Starbursts. My sister likes Smarties, Milk duds and any type of lollipop.

A note from mom, thank you to all the neighbors who handed out candy both on Halloween and at Trick or Treat! You are helping make our kids' holidays magical! 

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