It is that time of the year again when HLP gears up for the coming season
with the annual Wine and Cheese Social. This year the popular event will take
place on Thursday September 7th at the Community Center, and is open to all paid
members and anyone who is interested in joining or learning more about the
group. It is a wonderful time to socialize and make new friends, while also learning
about ways to get more involved in your community and stretching your talents.
The group will also begin preparing for the annual Follies, which has become
one of the most fun and anticipated events of the year. You never know what will
happen, or who will show up, so start thinking now about that song you want to
sing, or that dance you want to do, or the jokes you want to tell, to entertain us all.
You have plenty of time available to prepare your act... performance dates are
September 28, 29, 30 at 7:30 PM with a matinee on October 1.
Once the Follies are wrapped up, preparation will begin for our Spring
Production. The Play Selection Committee is already at work looking for just the
right vehicle to entertain everyone. And that means there will be opportunities for
you to use your talents on the stage again.
And there is also the monthly Karaoke party on the last Saturday of every month.
There is a lot of singing and dancing going on, and you can choose to “sing alone
or sing along." This is one of the best parties happening in the Harbour, so stop by
and join in the fun!
Please watch Fhmail for details as they become available for each of these
events. Flyers will always be posted to answer all of your questions, but mark your
calendars now so you don't forget!