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Barb Robinson

FHYC change of watch

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

Past Commodore Barb Robinson handing Leadership to Commodore Phipps

On Thursday, January 12, 2023, FHYC held their Change of Watch Ceremony, where leadership roles are transferred to the incoming members of the Board of Governors and those who are stepping up as new committee chairs.

As a new Past Commodore, Barb Robinson recognized those Past Commodores who were present. Present were Tom Lelli, Sam Curry, Olwen Jarvis, Rob Strotsky, George Stateham, Doug King, John Jackson, Ritchie Thomson, and Adrian Vergot. Past Commodore Robinson also recognized the outgoing board members and committee chairs for their service to the club. They are as follows: Russ Robinson (Treasurer), John Jackson (Program Chair), Georgie Jackson (Regatta Chair), Elaine Berberich (PR Committee Chair), Marty and Carol Cavins (History Committee co-chairs), and Kathie King (Fleet Surgeon).

Captions left to right: Commodore Phipps Recognizing Commodore Past Commodore Barb Robinson. Craig Myler being sworn in as Vice Commodore by Commodore Phipps. Summation of the Member Survey. Commodore Dave Phipps Swearing in Steve Hustad as Rear Commodore, Buddy Jewel as Treasurer, Andrew Underhill and Dave Miller as Directors.

Past Commodore Robinson then installed Dave Phipps as the new Commodore. At this point, Commodore Phipps took up his duties to install Vice Commodore Craig Myler, Rear Commodore Steve Hustad, Treasurer Buddy Jewel, Director Dave Miller, and Director Andrew Underhill. All were presented with their pocket badges, flags, and name tags. Commodore Phipps then recognized the returning Bridge Board Members: Delle Curry, Leigh Hart, Phil Katz, Pam Miller, and Erin Vergot (Secretary). Two appointed positions were recognized: Joel Berberich as Fleet Surgeon and Matt Esmacher as Fleet Chaplain. The following 2023 Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs were also recognized:

  • Cruising Committee co-chairs - Peter Clay, Phil Katz, and Ritchie Thomson

  • Distribution chair – Jerry Rezab

  • Education chair – Steve Hart

  • Entertainment chair – Janice Myler

  • History co-chairs – Bob and Vicky Lynch

  • Hospitality co-chairs – Kathy Clay, Darlene DeFigueiredo, and Leigh Hart

  • Program co-chairs – Joel Berberich and Olwen Jarvis

  • Public Relations chair – Barb Robinson

  • Regatta coordinators: Russ Robinson and Al Lang

  • Semaphore chair – Julia Thomson

  • Storekeeper chair – Darlene DeFigueiredo

  • Yearbook chair – Leigh Hart

Commodore Phipps also welcomed new members Tom and Kathleen Frey.

The program for the evening was a summary of the Membership Survey that accompanied the membership drive. The information is posted on the FHYC website under the Membership tab. The takeaway from the survey is shown on the slide. The results of this survey will help direct the Board of Governors on issues affecting the club.

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