OP 36 Spring Golf Classes
It's that time of year again to kick off our OP 36 classes. Signups are now underway for the spring semester. You may call the Pro Shop or email Brian at bjoyner@harbourpointegolfclub.com to sign up. Each class is eight weeks long, starting the week of March 20th, and will run through the week of May 8th. Also included are four 9-hole tournaments where you'll get to put your skills to the test on the golf course. These will take place every other Friday at 5 pm starting March 31st. Listed below are our
current class times.
Monday Men's Class 3-4 pm
Monday Women's Class 4:15-5:15 pm
Wednesday Women's Class 3-4 pm
Wednesday Men's Class 4:15-5:15 pm
Ladies 9&Wine
It looks like we'll finally have some warmer weather for our Ladies 9&Wine scheduled for Wednesday, February 22nd at 1:30 pm. The play costs $10 for members and $35 for the public. Members will need to sign up through the Pro Shop; however, the public may sign up through the website.
Chili Bowl Open
Our Chili Bowl tournament has been rescheduled for Saturday, March 4th, at 10 am! This is a four-person team event with a modified scramble format. We plan on having flights of men's, women's, and mixed teams based on signups. The play costs $25 for members and $50 for the public, and the price includes golf, range, prizes, and a lovely meal following play. Call the Pro Shop or sign up online for this event.
Brian D. Joyner, PGA | Director of Golf
1105 Barkentine Drive, New Bern, NC 28560
252-638-5338 | bjoyner@harbourpointegolfclub.com