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Barb Robinson

2024 FHYC Change of Watch

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words.  In this case it is true.  On January 11, 2024 FHYC celebrated their 39th change in the watch.  New Past Commodore Dave Phipps swore in New Commodore Craig Myler, handing Craig his new badge and flag.  Craig then took over the ceremony, thanking Dave Phipps for his service to the club and swore Dave in as new Past Commodore.  Craig then gave Dave his new name tag and flag.  As a parting gift, the club gave Dave Phipps a sextant, mounted on white oak etched with Dave's name, the club logo and the date of service.

New Past Commodore Dave Phipps

As Commodore, Craig Myler then inducted Steve Hustad as Vice Commodore and presented him with his flag and new badge.

Vice Commodore Steve Hustad

This was a busy night. Craig, as new Commodore, next asked the membership to recognize all the past Commodore present and not present.

Commodore Myler then installed the new board members:  Peter Clay (Director), Lynn Stateham (Director), Julia Thomson (Secretary) and John Jackson (Rear Commodore).  All were presented with their new badges and flags.

Peter Clay, Lynn Stateham, Julia Thomson, John Jackson

Craig then asked for each of the returning board members to stand and be recognized:  Dave Miller, (Director), Leigh Hart Director, Buddy Jewell (Treasurer),  Andrew Underhill (Director) and Delle Curry (Director).  Joel Berberich, as returning Fleet surgeon and Matt Esmacher as returning Chaplain were also recognized.

Commodore Myler's next duty was to ask the membership to recognize the 2023 outgoing board members:  Pam Miller (Director), Erin Vergot (Secretary), Barb Robinson (Past Commodore) and Phil Katz (Director).  

Commodore Myler then asked for all the current committee chairs to stand and be recognized by the membership:  Leigh Hart, Janice Myler, Peter Clay, Jerry Rezab, Steve Hart, Vicky Lynch, Kathy Clay, Delle Curry, Skip Hurd, Doug King, Joel Berberich, Pam Miller, Paula Phipps, Lisa Blemenschine, Julia Thomson, and Darlene DiFigueiredo.  You will note that several of these committee chairs head up more than one committee.

Commodore Myler then moved on to the business of the club.  Sadly, three of our members have passed away recently.  The membership offered a moment of silence.

Next up was the welcoming of new members, Kevin and Linda Heydel who were approved at the December Board meeting. Their sponsors are Russ and Barb Robinson and Ralph Azersky.  They are new to boating but are enthusiastic learners.  Give them a heart felt welcome to the club.

We had several visitors.  The Nettlesons are in the process of building a house on Trade Winds.  They have a sailboat  Rod is interested in racing but his wife, Chris, is interested in cruising. Neil and Nancey Whitehead, Ken and Tammy Anderson and Cari and Steven Brunelle were also introduced.

January also showed the following members celebrating their anniversaries with the club:

Pagnutti, Peter 31 years

Teubert, Bernie and Nancy 30 years

Mitchell, Bob 28 years

Hamilton, Carol 27 years

Jarvis, Bill and Olwen 23 years

A special Thank You for your continued support.

Commodore Myler covered several upcoming events.

  1. 40th Anniversary Cookbook Fundraiser

January 30 at 4:30pm to 7pm at the Community Center 

Tickets are $12 in advance and $15 at the door, contact 321-231-8268

  1. Soup Cook Off

Tuesday February 6 at the Community Center

  1. Valentine's Day Dinner Night

La Cassetta, 6pm. See Delle Curry for more information

  1. Impromptu Fun Sails/Cruises

Contact PC Dave Phipps or Commodore Myler for more information

  1. 2024 Commodore's Ball

Thursday March 21, Carolina Colours.  Information to follow.

It was a busy evening but with our new board installed and committees in place, we are on our way for new adventure for our 40th Anniversary.  Thank you all who helped to set up this important club event, the 2024 Change of Watch.

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