THREE (3) openings are available on the Fairfield Harbour Property Owners Association (FHPOA) Board of Directors for 2023. The following is the timeline and schedule of events over the next several months leading up to and culminating in the election of directors and the June 28 FHPOA Annual Meeting.
Countdown to FHPOA Annual Meeting
March 1 – Board of Directors Call for Nominations Announcement is to be included with the billing of the 2023 POA Dues statement mailed to all POA members. The Nomination Announcement will outline what will be submitted by those seeking the office of Director.
May 1 – Deadline: Notices of Intent to Become a Candidate must be submitted by 4:30 pm,
close of business to the FHPOA Office, 902 Coral Reef Drive, New Bern, NC 28560 (Note: to be a Nominee, one must be a member (property owner of recorded legal title) in good standing, meaning any charged fines, fees, and dues for 2023 must be paid in full by close of business May 1, 2023. If not a property owner in good standing, the individual cannot be a Nominee for one of the open Board positions.)
May 1 – Official Notice of Annual Meeting to be mailed, including the Agenda identifying all matters to be approved by the members, if any. If necessary, the Official Proxy for Establishment of a Quorum/Proxy Vote items shall also be included with the notice.
May 4 – Deadline: Withdrawal of existing candidacy (prior to official ballot printing) must be requested/withdrawn by 4:30 pm, close of business.
May 10 – 6:00pm Meet the Candidates Night. This is not mandatory and is provided as a service to the community and candidates. The Board remains neutral in elections and does not sponsor this event.
May 12 – Deadline for the candidate to notify The Beacon and submit information and photo if interested in having it published in the upcoming issue. This is the candidate’s responsibility.
May 15 – FHPOA Board of Directors Election Materials to be mailed identifying those members/candidates in good standing who are running for office to include:
Absentee/Mail-in Ballot for FHPOA Board of Directors election vote.
Completed and confirmed Notices of Intent or Nomination Forms submitted by the candidates, photo-copied exactly as received (Note: the form submitted will not be edited or corrected for errors – each candidate should carefully proofread her/his form before submitting).
Candidate's vitae (if provided by candidate) photo-copied exactly as received.
June 15– Deadline for return of FHPOA Election of Directors absentee/mail-in ballots by close of business 4:30 pm.
June 16 - 27 Tabulation and recording of absentee/mail-in ballots for the 2023 FHPOA Election of Directors by the CPA firm.
June 28 – FHPOA Annual Meeting results of the election of directors to be announced.