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Paul Cormier

Talking golf with Chris Dunn, HPGC Superintendent

The MGA conversation for the July issue of the Beacon is with HPGC Golf Course Superintendent Chris Dunn. Chris and his team are committed to making Harbour Pointe Golf Club the best. Chris is a dedicated Leader who always shares success with his team; it was a pleasure to chat with him.

Beacon: Thanks for spending time with us. We know you have lots of respect for your staff. Let's start by talking about your team. How many staff members do you have, and what are their names and roles?

Chris: We have eight other Golf Course Maintenance team members and me. The great thing for me is that the whole group is always willing to help in an area that may be outside their normal daily tasks. I'm so thankful for this team.

  • Nathaniel Britt is our Assistant Superintendent and has been with us for seven years.

  • Greg Castle is our Setup guy, taking care of hole locations, Driving Range. He is very helpful in many different roles. He's been on the team for four years now.

  • Lee Hardee is our Mechanic, wears many hats, and has been with us for six years.

  • Milton Sanders is an Equipment Operator and has been at the Club for 12 years.

  • Jessie Blanco is also an Equipment Operator and has been with us for 12 years.

  • Chris Acevedo has been with us for one year as an Equipment Operator.

  • Brian O'Dea is another Equipment Operator who has been with us for one year.

  • Robert Ryan is a Seasonal Laborer who is new to the group.

Golf Course Maintenance team members: From left to right Back row Greg Castle, Jessie Blanco, Nathaniel Britt. Front row Milton Sanders, Lee Hardee, Chris Dunn, Brian O'Dea, Chris Acevedo. Not pictured Robert Ryan.

Beacon: Wow! That is great that you have team members who are flexible, committed, and ready to help in any area that needs attention. One thing that stands out to many Golfers is that we never have to wait while they mow before us. They are always aware of us Golfers and pull off to the side, giving us a friendly wave and smile as we go by.

Chris: That is great to hear. They are a very respectful group to the Golfers.

Beacon: We know that you have a budget. If money and time were not a factor which hole would you change?

Chris: I would change #5 and move the Tee box further back and to the right, giving Golfers a much bigger landing area for their Tee shot. It would reduce balls going O.B. left at the corner of the dogleg. We have many holes; it's a shot maker's Golf Course.

Beacon: It is a great layout; you must keep the Driver in play and pay attention to your approaches, and the greens have lots of undulation. Fun Golf Course! Chris, thank you for being with us today. You and your staff do a great job, and we can't thank all of you enough. The Golf Course is in fantastic condition!

Chris: Thank you, we are happy you like the Course; it was a pleasure talking to you.

Chris Dunn is always open to suggestions, comments, or questions. He wanted to ensure we mentioned he likes feedback, good or bad. Contact Chris by email at

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