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FHPOA Board of Directors

Myth Busters - #1

The Board has decided to launch a series of articles called "Myth Busters." The architects of FHSTOP deceived the community by asking for a vote. They want a community vote on all proposals, sales, purchases, or debt.

This is not how POA boards operate.  There is not a city, business or community of our size that is governed this way. Nothing would ever be accomplished; it would be a costly endeavor, and it’s not the American way.  The Board must operate by following its Articles of Incorporation, Covenants, Bylaws, and NC law. Just like the model of our country’s government, you vote for your elected officials who vote in Congress to get things done.


In the fifty-year history of Fairfield Harbour, there has only been one time outside of normal elections, that occur every single year, a separate vote was needed.  It was for a non-budgeted expense that was almost $3 million dollars to purchase the 385 acres.


Let's learn the facts regarding FHSTOP’s statements in the first goldenrod flyer.


Myth: The Board proposed an initial sale of your amenity property.

Truth: A request for a bid is NOT a purchase and sales agreement.


Myth: No voting on any proposed Property Sale for development.

Truth: No bids were considered so there was nothing to vote on.


Myth: No Open Monthly meetings for large Groups of Members.

Truth: Monthly board meetings are open, and space requirements dictate the number of members in the board room.  To attend board meetings, you must make a reservation in advance with the POA office due to limited seating. 


Myth: No Transparency on contracts with the Board and Management with Contractors.

Truth: Reviewable corporate records, i.e., financials and minutes, can be made available for inspection in the office once the proper procedural request is completed and approved. Vendor contracts are not part of this scope.


Myth: No community input on a Very Large proposed Club House.

Truth: Multiple surveys, committees and focus groups have been conducted over the last 8+ years.  For years, the Board has indicated the increased dues for 2022, 2023 and 2024 were specifically earmarked for the Harbour Club.


Myth: No voting by members on the Proposed Club House borrowing of millions of dollars.

Truth: The only time a vote is necessary is when the amount hasn't been forecasted or budgeted. i.e.: the purchase of the 385 acres. The Board may enter into a budgeted purchase such as the Harbour Club.  It has been in the planning stages for years and is finally coming to fruition.


Myth: No Due Diligence and no Transparency.

Truth: Thorough research and analysis of any company is done in preparation for a business transaction.


Myth: No meeting over the purchase of a $112k lot at the beginning of Broad Creek Road for a sign.

Truth: All Real Estate transactions are part of executive sessions and any motion made becomes part of the minutes.


Myth: No Disclosures about Golf Course and Restaurant potential income short falls.

Truth: All members have access to the budget online.


Myth: POA duties are to promote the welfare of the members. Development on the golf course is counter to that.

Truth: Board members have a legal and fiduciary responsibility to govern by the existing Declarations of Restrictions and seek all avenues for financial strength.  No development on the working golf course was ever discussed.


Myth: No new (civil fines) imposed on Property Owners without a Vote by the entire membership.

Truth: A community established before 1999 does not adhere to that regulation, NC Statute 47F.  Our community adopted some of 47F but not all parts apply to Fairfield Harbour.


Myth: We need open meetings back in the community center.

Truth: The community center was ONLY used during COVID to exercise social distancing but ALL meetings, mandated by the state, were closed to members at that time.


Armed with the answers above, please understand that removing any duly elected Board members will not change a single thing. All directors vote separately, and each Director's vote carries the same weight.  In fact, almost every motion has been unanimous with the Board.


By being harmonious, the necessary steps have been achieved to improve our fiscal position. Comparatively speaking, our POA is sound, and increasing our non-dues revenues will only continue to improve our overall financial outlook. This course and business plan are showing positive results, and to deviate at this juncture will negatively impact every homeowner.


FHSTOP not only called in the media outlets, hired a lawyer, and broadcasted false information on social media (Nextdoor, FH, and New Bern Facebook pages), which has adversely affected this community's reputation and, in turn, every homeowner’s home value. If that wasn't enough, each resident will now incur additional legal and externally independent fees to validate any vote.


A normal election costs over $10,000 and you will be repeating this same process within months of one another.


Elections can't be hijacked and are a sacred institution.  Otherwise, no one would ever run again for Director in fear of retribution or risk making any decision because of a few, over the majority. The FHPOA Board is a group of volunteers who tirelessly give their time, energy and business skills to help FH.  But during this period of unrest, there has been hate mail at Christmas, character assassinations, nasty texts, phone calls and emails, slander and bullying on Facebook, death threats and false allegations that lead to civil suits.  These are underhanded and shameful tactics that erode the foundation of our community. Anyone who has aligned with this group might reconsider their position now that the facts are clear.


Those who feel they were duped, pressured, or misguided into signing the FHSTOP proxy, you still have time to retract your signature before it becomes public record.


Please contact the POA office to complete this transaction through our FHPOA Secretary, Rhonda Miller. (


In next week’s Myth Busters, we will share the false information sent out in the second goldenrod FHSTOP flyer.


If you are part of the silent majority and are upset with the division FHSTOP has created, then you know what is at risk and we need to hear from you today. Please take the minute to email the POA Secretary at to show your support and help us send a loud and overwhelming message to save your community from FHSTOP.



The FHPOA Board of Directors

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