Congratulations to Penny Sullivan our July ACE.
winners in first flight.......1st place: Jackie Hice
tie for 2nd place: Sue Layton
Sue Mathes
Donna Hulbert
Linda Lelli
winners in second flight.1st place: Penny Sullivan
2nd place: Barbara Walsh
winners in third flight:...1st place: Cheryl Furman
2nd place: Kathy Fuller
The Harbour Pointe Ladies Golf Association (HPLGA) plays every Thursday from mid-March through mid-November. The various golf games are interspersed by special tournaments, one of which is Ace of the Month, a tournament in which the golfer with the lowest net score (strokes minus handicap) of that day wins Ace of the Month. In November, these eight Aces compete for Ace of the Year while the rest of the association plays a regular game for that day.
July 6th Tournament
first place winners: Sharon Henke and Kris Engelhaupt
second place winners: Linda Lelli and Donna Hulbert
third place winners: Cindy Pellegrini and Sue Layton
Hard Nine Tournament July 20, 2023
winners in first flight: 1st place: Karen Macaulay
2nd place: Kris Engelhaupt
winners in second flight: 1st place: Geneva Lane
2nd place: Penny Sullivan
winners in third flight: 1st place: Rita Gillham
2nd place: Ann Kopec
HPLGA Tournament, 4 Clubs and a Putter, July 27, 2023
winners in first flight: 1st place: Jackie Hice
tie for 2nd: Sue Layton and Karen Macaulay
winners in second flight: 1st place: Pam Nolan
2nd place: Joan Melius
winners in third flight: 1st place: Kathy Fuller
2nd place: Ruthann Hendel
The USGA rules that a player can have no more than 14 clubs in the player’s bag. Clubs typically include a driver, a few woods and hybrids, and some irons, particularly wedges and short irons. This week’s HPLGA game “Four Clubs and a Putter” made the game more challenging by limiting each player to only four club, plus a putter. Players had to decide which four clubs would be most useful or adaptable and leave the other nine clubs at home. As you can probably surmise, the one club many players may have found absolutely necessary to scoring success was a club they left at home!
HPLGA " Tournament: Par 3" August 3, 2023
first place winners: Kathy Fuller, Sue Layton, Cheryl Furman, Joan Melius
second place winners: Geneva Lane, Sharon Henke, Joan Glennon, Barbara Walsh