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Mary Beth Croft

From the POA Library

Updated: Apr 9

From The Library

Hello from your POA Library. Welcome to April. When you support the POA library, either by visiting the library or donating books, you support our entire Fairfield Harbour community. Our library collection helps us act as the center of an engaged community of readers and adult learners. We listen to our readers and appreciate your feedback. The library is behind the beauty shop in the second POA building and is open Monday-Friday, from 8 am-8 pm. Refer to the donation list on the bulletin board to the left of the library door. We have a return cart inside the door for you to return borrowed books and a large bin labeled “New Books” next to the table in the library. Feel free to drop off newly donated books in this bin. We would like to thank our Patrons and acknowledge your generosity, so please leave your contact information with your donations. 

For Your Consideration

For the patron who donated items in the above image please note we do not take these items. Please refer to the Suitable Criteria posted outside the library door and listed in the paragraph below. We believe it is beneficial for our donors to better understand what donations (gifts in kind) meet our suitable criteria. Gifts in kind the library collects include fiction, non-fiction, biography, large print, and children’s books. We also collect and carry DVDs, talking books, and puzzles. This selection could not exist without you, so thank you all so much for your gifts in kind. However, if you have items that are not suitable for our library, please donate them elsewhere, and thank you for your support. 

Due to space, we do not accept the following donations: coffee table books, self-help books, DIY books, cookbooks, books on sailing or boating, magazines, and travel books. Please donate these items to other organizations. Also, if you are cleaning out items or moving, look through your books. We do not take damaged books, books with torn pages, water-damaged books, or books with stains or evidence of mold. I know… this seems obvious, and yes, we have actually received items like this. The librarians have to curate and dispose of your old, damaged books (I hate throwing out books -I bet you do too). So be considerate of your volunteer librarians and dispose of your books that meet the unsuitable criteria above. 


Thank You for Your Donations/Gifts in Kind

Thank you to Pam Taylor for your donated books! Your generosity helps the POA library make a positive impact on our entire community. I am certain these books will find their way to many readers in Fairfield Harbour. If you plan on donating books, please leave your contact information so I can properly thank you in this newsletter. 


Beverages, Biscuits & Books

This month our Librarian of the month is Jennifer Creech.  She recommends authors, and genres based accurate historical settings.  Jennifer finished reading a six-book series on the Civil War and encourages anyone looking for a good read to consider historical novels.  Another great read is a non-fiction book called Master Slave Husband Wife by Illini Woo.


Meet Your Librarian Volunteers

This month, I had the pleasure of interviewing one of our genre librarians, Jennifer Creech. Jennifer’s genre of choice is historical fiction. She hails from Cornwall, England, and has traveled the world extensively throughout her life and even lived in Africa.  Jennifer has been a volunteer with the POA library for a year.  She loves books and enjoys meeting our patrons.  One result of her travels is her unique perspective on global issues, countries, and cultures. One of her favorite countries is Italy.  She loves Italy for its open, friendly culture and amazing architecture. Her travels have opened up a love and quest for knowledge.  Jennifer is a lifelong learner. She loves acquiring knowledge about places and people throughout the world.  


If you see Jennifer at the POA library or out and about, say hello and ask what she’s been reading lately. Thank you, Jennifer, for all you do! 


If you are interested in joining the POA Library Committee, contact Mary Hittner at or me at If you would like to recommend a book, series, or author, contact Mary Beth Croft at

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