Once a year, the Fairfield Harbour Yacht Club comes together to celebrate the official start of the yachting season with several activities. This year it was Saturday, April 15.
The first event was the Blessing of the Fleet, where boat owners decorate their boats and come together to parade through the Harbour to the dock at Pelican Park. At the dock, our clergy blessed each of the boats. This year we had Rev. Paul Canady of Christ Episcopal Church, Irv Joffee, Layman of Temple B'nai Sholem, and Fleet Chaplain Matt Esmacher. Once the clergy blessed the boats, boaters headed back to their docks.
The next event was Commissioning Day, at which the FHYC Board of Directors, officers, and Bridge met at the flagstaff at Pelican Park. Also present were Past commodores. Commodore Dave Phipps called the officers to fall in. He then asked the Cannoneer, Darlene DeFigueiredo, to fire the cannon. The Commissioning Day ceremony then began. Commander Phipps then introduced the Board and Officers. The flag detail, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Secretary, and Treasurer march to the flagstaff to raise the flags. Once the flags were raised, Commodore Phipps asked the flag detail to fall back in line. The Past Commodores were recognized for their contribution and dedication in previous years. Vice Commodore Craig Myler then took over the ceremony to honor those members who had passed since the last Commissioning Day. Each name is read with the sound of the bell.
Gail Schiller
Roy Kuhns
Michael Smith
Cecily Gil
Bob Wofford
Jack Polo
Georgie Jackson
Elliot Alterman
Richard Stephens
After Vice Commodore Myler read the names of FHYC members that passed before us, Norm Meisner laid the wreath to honor them. Vice Commodore Myler then handed the ceremony back to Commodore Phipps. Rear Commodore Steve Hustad announced that all members were present and accounted for. Commodore Phipps then asked the Cannoneer to fire the cannon again, marking the boating season's official opening.
Thank you to Dave Pfefferkorn, who provided the music. A thank you to Mother Nature for giving us beautiful weather for these events, as well.