We would like to share a story about our pup Morgan. He was born 4-14-14 and is a parti ( not party ) brown and white Aussidoodle. His given name was Corona and as much as we love the beer we decided to rename him Morgan ( Captain Morgan ) . Right away he responded as a puppy to his name, he is very smart, so we say and the trainer when he was a young puppy. His agility right away was evident on our motor yacht which was perfect since our plans for cruising the Chesapeake bay over the summer would be challenging if he didn’t have stability and love the water as we do. We’ve always loved the Labrador breed but with plans to cruise winters to the west coast of Florida – living onboard with a dog that doesn’t shed – well that was a bonus. We were living in Virginia Beach so the bay was a great respite and right in our backyard on long weekends, holidays, and vacations. Morgan sees us packing, or walking towards the boat and especially starting the engines – he is ready to gooooo – yes he’s a barker when he’s excited but settles down as soon as we’re underway. His favorite spot is the flybridge on a side seat with the curtain open so he can stick his head out with his ears flapping in the breeze.
He the co-captian!!
We bought our home in New Bern, Fairfield Harbor on the northwest creek almost one year ago – a home for our boat we say.
Morgan loves sitting on the dock while David is working on or around the boat – just watching the water and waiting for us to just say – let's go for a ride. He also really enjoys a fast dingy ride – sitting on the nose of the dingy, just letting the wind and spray hit his face and again those ears…flapping in the breeze.
We have met many people/new friends since we moved into our home but I’m pretty sure most remember Morgan – his personality, his sweetness, his craziness, and his coloring is hard to miss – his tail is usually fluffy white and his legs look like argyle socks ……
Always upon our travels, with many winters in Florida cruising the ICW or cruising the bay – people remember Morgan, and yeah we’re just the parents.
He has SPIRIT and I hope you get to meet Morgan and us …as we make FH our new home and for our boat – Synergy