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Tom Caruso

2023-HARBOUR CUP/STATracker Week-4 Highlights

(thru 3/24/2023)

The 2023 race for the HARBOUR CUP completed its 4th week of play.

Here are some notable Week-4 highlights


For the second week in a row, weather played a prominent role. Golfers could only play two of three rounds in week four, the MGA individual playdate on Wednesday and a team Bald Eagles round on Friday. In the playdate round, JOE BARNHART and BOB STEWART got their first wins of this young season. Barnhart edged out a one-stroke victory in the "A" flight over Larry Ervin, posting a winning score of 65.

In the "B" flight, Stewart also had a one-stroke victory scoring a 68 to get by upcoming player Ed Edmundson. The big point-getter of the round on Wednesday was FRANK AIUTO. Aiuto scored 43 points for his round with a birdie, two holeouts, and a sandy. DAVID LANGE also snagged two holeouts in Wednesday's round and a birdie for a 33-point day. STAN KOONCE returned to action on Wednesday, getting 28 points with a birdie, a holeout, and a sandy. Koonce added another holeout on Friday and has made some gains on standings leader PAUL CORMIER. Cormier had two sandies for 20 points in Wednesday's round but then went "quiet" on Friday, gaining only 3 points as he helped his team to a 1st place finish. Cormier keeps first place for the 2nd week in a row holding a 19-point lead over Koonce. WAYNE BEDENBAUGH ended his week with a 20-point performance on Friday with a 2nd-place team finish, a birdie, and a holeout.

Bedenbaugh has quietly moved up into the 4th position in the Combined standings.

Everybody's favorite seasoned veteran, C.A. Smith, banged out a 30-point day on Wednesday, snaring four birdies, a holeout, and taking 3rd place in the playdate. Smith has maintained a "top-ten" status almost every week of STATracker’s history at HPGC. He added a 3rd-place team finish and a CTP in Friday's round.

Welcome back to BOB GILLHAM, who started his first season during Friday's round. Last season's birdie champion, Gillham, scored 13 points right out of the gate with a three birdie performance, a CTP, and helping his team to a 2nd place finish.


Individual finishes:

  • 1st/Barnhart-65, Stewart-68

  • 2nd/Ervin-66, Edmundson-69

  • 3rd/Smith-70, Engelhaupt-71

Team finishes:

  • 1st/Cormier, Caruso, Swan, Welch-56

  • 2nd/Bedenbaugh, Gillham, Hill, Reivik-62

  • 3rd/Carmichael, Edmundson, Harrell, Smith-64

Coming up this week:

Bald Eagles will play on Monday, 3/27, and on Friday, 3/31

The MGA hosts its 2nd tournament of the season on Wednesday, 3/29… “The March CHILLER”

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