Three (3) openings are available on the Fairfield Harbour Property Owners Association (FHPOA) Board of Directors for 2023.
There are five candidates are running for the FH-POA Board of Directors:
Robert Broody
John Glenowicz
Stephen Harris
Tina McLamb
David Pfefferkorn
The following candidate's vitae were submitted to the Beacon for your consideration and are listed in alphabetical order.
Robert Broody
John Glenowicz
Tina McLamb
David Pfefferkorn
June 15
Deadline for return of FHPOA Election of Directors absentee/mail-in ballots by close of business 4:30 pm.
June 16 - 27
Tabulation and recording of absentee/mail-in ballots for the 2023 FHPOA Election of Directors by the CPA firm.
June 28
FHPOA Annual Meeting results of the election of directors to be announced